have been riniging out across the No Cal and Oregon hillsides lately,
to begin with confusing us as to what they were... sitting taking a
break, they sounded a lot like wind-chimes, so we thought there may be
a house nearby... but it wasn't windy... Once we got out of the trees
and into the meadow, that was when we found a dozen cows, all looking
at us somewhat confused as to what we were!
Other than odd noises
giving us a fun addition to the usual trail-day, we have been lucky to
enjoy some more trail magic. "Mountain Stan" kept a nicely constructed
tree-gazeobo just north of Old Station (another nice on-trail store and
rest spot), where we took a small break. Unfortunately, the sodas were
almost gone, so I had the Root Beer, and Tom passed on the Coors... but
the other day, 15 miles into Oregon we found 2 coolers, bith stocked
full with almost every kind of soft drink you can imagine, so it was a
fine 30 minutes sitting on the hill top, the sun on our backs, sipping
a cold Cherry Pepsi... and given that it was the day after Mud Spring,
the sodas tasted that much better!!

dropped down a few thousand feet to resupply in the tiny town of Etna
CA, and we lucky enough to get a ride in within minutes of arriving at
the trail-head, as well as get a ride back out of town almost straight
away as well. The locals were very used to weary, dirty looking people
putting out there thumbs, and both people that gave us our rides were
really cool and knew just what we needed... The kind lady, complete
with toddler and dog along for the drive, dropped us off right at the
grocery store when we came in, and the 2 gold-miners that gave us a
ride out knew the exact spot to drop us off at to get straight back on
the trail.
The town was a great mini-break, giving us a chance to grab a good burger too.
now we have made it to Ashland, Oregon, and are taking a much needed
rest. We did some pretty good miles over the past 6 days, the result of
which meant we got into town by 0930 yesterday morning, making for a
good long near-o. Today, after a very solid long sleep and lay-in, it's
a full zero, trying to do and move around, as little as possible!
next update to this page/site will be right around the end of the
month, and possibly the last update until we finish the trail. As
always, cellular coverage depending, I will be updating from the trail
to the
iPhone journal, so keep checking in on that too.
I hope you like the pix, and we look forward to hearing from anyone out there.
Cheers y'all.